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Sunday, 12 October 2014

SuperNova XID V3 Custom Rom For XoLO A500S


 SuperNova XID V3 Custom Rom For XoLO A500S

-Changeable Font system
 * Fuand script
* Roboto
* Rosemary
* Sony skecth
* Ubuntu
* Zekton

-Changeable Bootanimation
 * Nexus
* Xperia z2
* Samsung galaxy s5
* Super nova owl os

-Triple UI
 * Sony xperia z2
* Samsung galaxy s5
* Super nova Vicktoria

-Custom Tweak
 * Zipalign darking
* Sq lite * loophy smoothness
* Sd card speed boost
* Internet speed tweaks
* No LED for LED disable softkey
* Zipalign
* Enterophy generator "bug"

 * Google play music
* Google camera "panorama mode bug" (you can play using other aplication from store)
* Google keyboard
* Apex mod launcher
* Google gallery
* Dolby Mobile equalizer


Given To Their OWn
Dev In Updater Script :) 


After Installing RoM Simply Flash The Patch And RebooT

Bugs : nopz


  1. i downloaded it
    Itz size is 321mb
    Is it necessary to port this rom

  2. wifi and bluetooth error.lagging .

  3. front camera is not wrkin how to solve it?

  4. front camera not working and ROM customization crashes .. it does not opens at all.. it hangs every time

  5. amazing ram....but some problems are there like no front camers


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